Chakra Therapy
With Michalis Mourtzis M.D (A.M.)
5-Day Retreat at Enagron, Rethymno - Crete
2-6 April 2025

Transform your energy, body, and mind through a profound chakra healing experience!
Chakra Therapy is a holistic system that integrates Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga, music, and somatic release as therapeutic tools to address psychosomatic tensions and limitations
In Sanskrit, chakra means "wheel," as to those with heightened perception, these energy centers appear as spinning wheels in different parts of the body.
These wheels absorb energy from our environment and expel excess energy from our bodies. When chakras are clean and healthy, they radiate light and spin freely. When clogged, their movement becomes restricted
Each chakra holds emotional and psychological content associated with it, has a characteristic color, a sound, and a vibration that activates it and connects with universal energy. Chakras are also centers of consciousness, shaping our perception and experience of daily life. What we do and how we do it depends on the clarity and understanding of these energy centers, which govern our life experiences
Chakras are energized by prana (life force). Through specific physical postures, we can direct energy to these centers. Once energy penetrates the chakras, it flows through all open energetic pathways connected to them, awakening sensations and emotions and initiating the "Dance of the Nadis."

The Dance of the Nadis
In this series of seminars, we will work with each chakra individually to enable universal energy to flow through them, initiating a unique process called the “Dance of the Nadis.”
This is the free flow of energy through the body's energetic pathways. The technique that facilitates the Dance of the Nadis combines physical, energetic, and breathing exercises developed by Carlos de Leon and Michalis Mourtzis
This seminar is designed to create high energy levels and awareness in daily life, helping participants integrate their experiences and gradually achieve a sense of unity with the cosmic flow
By working progressively with each chakra, we will learn to surrender to the wisdom of the body, enabling us to gain clarity and insight into internal and external challenges. This process will empower us to reclaim personal freedom and strength
During the seminar, we will explore bodily sensations, emotions, energy flows, physical movements, and intuitive realizations. Through guided movements and meditations, we will begin a process of physical, emotional, and energetic cleansing
Our goal is to enhance our capacity to experience joy and freedom within our bodies, pure emotions, and improved communication with ourselves, the world, and the subtle layers of reality.

During the 5-Day Retreat, We Will:
Dive into the richness and depth of Chakra Therapy, understanding how the Dance of the Nadis activates unconscious material
Learn how Chakra Therapy opens your energy flow and perception of your inner landscape, fostering a healthy connection with yourself and the world
Experience how releasing muscular tension and integrating the unconscious with the conscious activates your internal energy flow
Discover how attachment structures in the chakras can cause imbalances in energy flow
Explore and embrace the potential for release through a holistic approach that integrates mind, body, and energy
Embody a new, healthier approach to life, symbolically referred to as an "open heart," bringing bliss and a freer daily experience
The teaching will be conducted in Greek and simultaneous translation will be offered in English.