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Free Flow – The Art of Self-Healing
October 7 & 8, November 11 & 12, February 3 & 4, April 20 & 21, June 1 & 2\

will not be a new training group in Heraklion during the 2023-2024 period

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"Free Flow - The art of Self Healing" is a system for the realization of the Self, designed by Michalis Mourtzis MD (A.M), suitable for all those who wish to develop a more harmonious mindset in their daily lives, and improve their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

This model has been developed over the years so as to help individuals cope effectively with daily problems, limitations and fears, to feel more free and to communicate better with their environment.

The individual discovers ways to reunite with the source of his/her personal strength and joy through a series of exercises of moving the body energy, which come from various schools of psychotherapy, spiritual traditions as well as modern methods of body and transpersonal psychotherapy.

The central vision of this 3-year course is to enable the participants embark on a transformation of their personal reality, so that they can gain more clarity about their lives and paths.

“Free Flow” involves a process where we can heal some of the traumas of our personal story, in a context of love, with clarity and support, observation and acceptance. 

As this training progresses, participants begin to better observe the repetitive structures that entrap them, as well as interpret their everyday life through a new prism, free from neurosis. All through this process our main goal is to experience more enjoyment, love, and freedom.

“Free Flow” is a path of growth that can improve the perception of our existence and heal our relationships with the people around us, liberating and awakening us to a dynamic outlook of joy for every moment of our lives. 

During training we will focus on 10 different levels in order to cultivate a more integrated flow of the energy of the body and emotions. These levels include:


1. Physical - Free physical flow. 

2. Personal flow, free expression and emotional release. 

3. Cultivating the observer and self-observation. 

4. Mindfulness skills and improvement of mental well-being.

 5. Improving relationships with our familiar system. 

6. Healing of sexual blockages 

7. Creative visualisation. 

8. Meditation, consciousness and observation. 

9. Dream world and dreams, their reality and interpretation. 

10. Grounding, safety and flexibility in daily life. Managing stressful and crisis situations. 

"Free Flow" can be a useful tool for energy therapists, body and other psychotherapists, as well as for those working with the body, such as Yoga and Pilates teachers and alternative practitioners. It is also suitable for those involved in the performing arts (music, dance, theatre), as well as physical or mental health education.


Amrita School of Meditation Healing & Chi Kung

Epon 20 Heraklion,

Crete, 71409

+30 6934510268

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