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200 hours Teacher Training in Meditation

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Certified by YAI (Yoga Alliance International)



Through the practice of meditation we return to our mind’s primordial state full of clarity, simplicity and love


We invite participants into a journey of discovering the Divine voice in their hearts and to the recognition of the most perfect nature inside them and in everything around them



Gain the ability and the required skill to teach others the art of meditation


This teacher training program is addressed to beginners, as well as to individuals who already teach yoga or/and meditation and aims to create a solid basis, for those who want to deepen their knowledge and experiential wisdom


The participants:


  • Will learn to teach meditation using techniques for body, emotions and mind


  • Will acquire skills for applying wisdom and compassion on relationships, conflict, trauma and societal change.


  • Will develop skills for leading meditation groups and teaching a wide range of practitioners in meditation


  • Will deepen and mature in the spiritual path



If you really want to learn something, teach it

Learning to share these practices and teachings with others will deepen your understanding, awareness, compassion, and well-being

Supporting Others in Healing and Awakening

There is genuine gratification in being able to support others in their healing, personal growth, and spiritual awakening. Through the program you will train in a wide variety of skills and will experience the joy of teaching them to benefit others wherever you are

Serving the Healing of Our World

Teaching meditation and compassion directly contributes to the evolution of global consciousness and the healing of our world


Blessings of the Community

Participation in this teacher training program will give you the opportunity to learn, grow and continue evolving spiritually, in an international community of practitioners



With successful completion of this teacher training program, you will receive a certificate from YOGA ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL (YAI) and AMRITA

These credentials will support you in establishing meditation classes, workshops, and trainings in communities, organizations and institutions throughout the world

Further  training

This program is the basis for more in depth trainings, on the path of liberation presented regularly in our school, by world renowned teachers


The Training:


During the program, we will engage in:


  • An in-depth curriculum with new online teachings every week, designed and taught by M.Mourtzis, together with Q+A sessions on the issues/difficulties that you might have discovered during your practice


  • One Intensive residential retreat with transmissions, initiations and in depth training and practice. Here the trainees will be asked to present to the group their first lesson as teachers as a result of their preparation after the 3rd module



In total there will be 4 modules:


  • Module 1 :1st cycle of online classes:

Monday January 8th 2024 and every Monday until June 24th 2024

Online classes of 2hrs duration (21:00-23:00)


  • Module 2: 2nd cycle of online classes

Monday September 9th 2024 and every Monday until December 16th 2024

Online classes of 2hrs duration (21:00-23:00)



  • Module 3: 3rd cycle of online classes

Monday January 6th 2025 and every Monday until June 16th 2025

Online classes of 2hrs duration (21:00-23:00)




  • Module 4: Final 6-day residential retreat for the completion of the training

*The dates of the residential retreat will be announced soon


*The participants are allowed to participate in one or more modules as they choose and they are not obliged to attend the full program.

In order to receive the certification, attending all four modules is mandatory



Mentorship sessions

For 6 months beginning from the end of the residential retreat, M. Mourtzis will be available to support your learning process, to help overcome obstacles that may rise when teaching to others, to address your personal questions and to inspire you in areas for growing


Group practice sessions

Opportunities to connect with your study group for feedback and support



After the third module, you will be asked to initiate your practicum, which you will present to the group during the residential retreat


24/7 Access

There will be a 24/7 access to the online teachings on our website so you can review and deepen your practice at your convenience


Access to retreat materials

Full access to presentations, recordings, images and teaching material will be given to participants after the completion of the retreat


Program Contents:


Technical skills 
Mantra, Meditation, Concentration and Mindfulness


Psychology and Spirituality 

A theoretical study of Yogic, Psychological and Spiritual methods of Self Realization and Healing. These can vary and will include: Koshas, Chakras, Nadis, Chitta, Manas, Buddhi, Ahamkara, Samskaras, Vasanas, amongst others


Anatomy and Physiology 

Physiology and astral/energy/subtle Anatomy


Philosophy, Ethics and Lifestyle 

Philosophy and ethics for the Meditation Teacher, and an understanding of how to develop a healthy lifestyle. Study of the Teachings of the Great spiritual Masters of past and present


Teaching and Communication skills 

Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher and the student’s process of learning. Receiving feedback, observing others, teaching and giving feedback


Participants will be taught under 3 general categories


1. Self-observation

2. Spiritual training

3. Personal development


Through the work presented in the above areas, we aim to train teachers reach a deeper state of harmony and unity with their spirit and the world around them

The training spans across 21 main areas:


1. Body relaxation

2. Cultivating observation

3. Observing on multiple levels

4. Understanding the inner flow

5. Pulsation and existence

6. Purifying the karmic network- Chakra Dharana and Nyasas

7. Purifying fears

8. Empathy

9. Realising Energy movements and kundalini

10. The center of existence

11. Understanding and managing space

12. Experiencing the subtle bodies - subtle anatomy

13. Recognising beauty in life

14. Expansion of consciousness beyond the body

15. Simultaneous observation

16. Compassion

17. The Self

18. Interconnectedness

19. Connecting with Grace

20. Entering and remaining in true nature

21. Experiencing true nature in everyday life


Basis for the training will be Traditional approaches from different schools, mainly Tantra (Kashmir Shaivism) and Vedanta, together with Buddhist sources (from the vehicles of Mahayana and Theravada)


At the same time basic principles in teaching meditation for groups from the participants will be developed in terms of:


  • Presentation

  • Energy management

  • Personal practice and trouble shooting

  • Maintaining meditation practice in everyday life

  • Adapting ancient practices in the modern way of life


Additionally every student will be called to:


  • Form and teach their own meditation class, as well as assisting in classes taught by others and presenting them to the group


  • Every student will create an original thesis - program that will serve as a tool for the teaching of their future students




The program will be taught in English or Greek, depending on the majority of the participants’ spoken language. In either case simultaneous translation will be offered from experienced translators



Classes will be taught by:


The director of studies Michalis Mourtzis MD (A.M.). (Swami Chandrashekarnada)

More about M.Mourtzis here



For more info, please contact us at: 

Amrita School of Meditation Healing & Chi Kung

Epon 20 Heraklion,

Crete, 71409

+30 6940773084

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