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Gain the ability and the required skill to teach others the art of meditation!

Through the practice of meditation we return to our mind’s primordial state full of clarity, simplicity and love

We invite participants into a journey of discovering the Divine voice in their hearts and to the recognition of the most perfect nature inside them and in everything around them

This teacher training program is addressed to beginners, as well as to individuals who already teach yoga or/and meditation and aims to create a solid basis, for those who want to deepen their knowledge and experiential wisdom


On June 23, 2024, at 20:30, due to the day of Pentecost, Michalis Mourtzis will share with us a meditative practice that originates from the inner Christian tradition and it's Kabbalistic roots

We will work with the technology of the names of God that connect us with the grace and with the messianic path of Christ


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21 Steps of Consciousness

This training is offered in Greek language only.

Meditation is the way to return one's mind to its primordial state, which is to remain in a free experience of clarity, simplicity and love. It is a "tool" for self-observation, as well as spiritual training and development.

The modern world and our way of life are full of distractions that prevent us from observing our thoughts, emotions and body; we therefore experience reality from a distorted perspective. Although these distractions originate from external factors, they actually manifest within us, affecting our daily lives. Through meditation, we can positively learn from these experiences and reach a deeper state of harmony and unity with our spirit and the world around us.

Journey to the Center of the Self

This training is offered in Greek language only.


Get to know and heal yourself by relaxing with guided visualizations


Our modern hectic and stressful life presents a great challenge to humanity's primordial quest, the discovery of the self. Very few people have the time and space to follow a spiritual path of self-awareness. We also find it very difficult to find the time to rest and relax


These 21 guided relaxations are a refreshing way to  relax and get to know yourself. It is also a very effective way to reduce stress

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Stress - A path to a free flow


This training is offered in Greek language only

The “Stress - Path to a Free Flow” course is a module, designed by Michalis Mourtzis MD (A.M), which is suitable for all those who wish to acquire a more harmonious attitude in their daily life and improve their physical, emotional and mental health.


It is a model, which has been developed over the years by Michalis Mourtzis in order to help us deal effectively with daily problems, limitations and fears, to feel more free, to communicate better with our environment and to reunite with the source of our personal strength and joy.

Upcoming Events


Weekly/Monthly Group Meetings

​Free Flow
The Art of Self-Healing

October 7 & 8, November 11 & 12, February 3 & 4,
April 20 & 21, June 1 & 2

The Art of Self-Healing - Free Flow, is a system of self-development, designed by Michalis Mourtzis MD (AM). This system is aimed at those who wish to acquire a more harmonious attitude in their daily life and to improve their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

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It is a model, which over the years has been developed and evolved to help the person deal effectively with daily problems, limitations and fears, feel freer and communicate better with their environment.


*There will not be a new training group in Heraklion during the 2023-2024 period

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Long-Yi - The Wings of the Dragon

Weekly Chi Kung practice

in Heraklion 

Chi Kung literally means energy management. These are physical as well as meditative exercises during which we learn to move the energy in our body, so that the energy meridians that run through the subtlest levels of our physical body are opened and cleaned. The purpose of the different Chi Kung techniques is to feed the system with energy, thus gaining a better level of health and vitality, while at the same time enhancing our ability to be more aware and present in the here and now.

Two-day seminars:

Sexuality, relationships & Tantra

Athens: 11 & 12 May 2024

Heraklion: 18 & 19 May 2024

Sexuality, relationships & Tantra

Athens: 11 & 12 May 2024

Heraklion: 18 & 19 May 2024

If you feel that your sexuality is blocked and prevents you from a free and creative experience, then in the "Sexuality and Tantra" seminar you will come across many different ways to purify your beliefs and limitations, starting to enjoy your life in a more complete manner

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Residential retreats



Second Year

6-day retreat

Arachova, Greece

11-16 July 2024

Mahamudra challenges us to take a fresh view of the world. It is a meditation tradition within tantric Buddhism that points to the nature of awareness itself, elevating our ordinary perception to a level of wholeness. In this view, all experiences arise from a mind that is naturally vast, empty, and luminous


It is an advanced and sophisticated system of meditation on the nature of the mind, and the realizations gained through it. Just like wax seals are stamped on legal documents to authenticate their signature, similarly the great seal of mahamudra is stamped on authentic practices that bring enlightenment for the benefit of all


 About Amrita

At Amrita we share different spiritual teachings and paths for the evolution of the Self and consciousness, emotional healing, the pursuit of happiness, harmony and prosperity.

The participants in our seminars are offered the opportunity to train in different spiritual traditions of our planet, such as Hindu and Buddhist Tantra, Taoism, Kabbalah, Kashmir Shaivism, Shamanism, Chi kung of various schools, etc.

Amrita is recognized by Yoga Alliance International (YAI) and under the guidance of M. Mourtzis provides certified training, for meditation teachers with a 200-hour certificate (YAI 200-HR Meditation Teacher).

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Amrita School of Meditation Healing & Chi Kung

Epon 20 Heraklion,

Crete, 71409

+30 6934510268

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