Cycle of Four Years of Teachings
Residential Retreats with Carlos de León
Third Year
Arachova, Greece 8-13 July 2025
Mahamudra Third Part: Tantra Mahamudra 2
More info on the contents of this teaching will be announced soon
The Chakrasamvara Tantra, was composed in Northern India in the late 8th or early 9th century and is one of the most important Mother Tantras emphasizing female deities, like yoginis and dakinis. Mother Tantra practices focus more on clear light mental activity and blissful awareness of emptiness as the immediate cause for achieving liberation.
* This retreat is designed so that everyone can participate, regardless of their level in meditation and is addressed to those who want to connect more deeply with themselves and evolve consciously.
‘Is space anywhere supported? Upon what does it rest?
Like space, Mahamudra is dependent upon nothing;
Relax and settle in the continuum of unalloyed purity,
And, your bonds loosening, release is certain.
Gazing intently into the empty sky, vision ceases;
Likewise, when mind gazes into mind itself,
The train of discursive and conceptual thought ends,
And supreme enlightenment is gained’.
*Excerpt from Tilopa’s Mahamudra Song